Nutritional Facts Analysis

Building upon years of experience in food testing, the expert scientists of Eurofins companies are able to advise you on analyses needed in accordance with the most updated local requirements and food for export which overseas requirements are to be fulfilled, in the presence of respective documents from the country of interest. The example food analysis that can measure and characterize various nutrients and components:
- Nutrition labelling (Hong Kong, China, USA, Canada, EU, Taiwan)
- Dietary fibre (GOS, Inulin/FOS)
- Carbohydrates
- Minerals
- Fat and Fatty Acid
- Vitamins (A, Bs, C, D, E, K)
- Proteins
- Milk solid non-fat
- Amino Acid
- Cholesterol
- Sugar Profile
Nutritional testing can help manufacturers ensure that their products contain the right amount of amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, anti-nutrients, enzymes and other critical ingredients.
Specific analyses:
- Antinutrients
- Amino acids
- Carbohydrates
- Complete proximate testing (including total dietary fibre)
- Lipid and fatty acid analyses using mainly wet chemistry and GC methodologies
- Mineral and inorganic analyses using Atomic Absorption and ICP technology
- Stability and shelf life testing
Please feel free to contact us and click here for online enquiries.