Melamine Testing

Latest investigations indicate that melamine contamination is widely spread throughout the Chinese dairy industry and officials have estimated that about 20 % of the dairy companies tested in China have sold products tainted with melamine.
Melamine testing is now one of the "must-do's" when exporting feed materials to the USA and EU. The FDA has increased powers of detention without inspection of imports of vegetable proteins from China. The European Commission has asked the Member States to control consignments of wheat gluten, corn gluten, cornmeal, soy protein, rice bran, and rice protein concentrate originating from third-party countries. As well as melamine, testing is done for other structurally related compounds such as cyanuric acid, ammelide, and ammeline.
Across the network, Eurofins network of companies in Malaysia able to provide melamine testing to the dairy and dairy-related industries and also to food retailers. Eurofins has performed extensive validation in all relevant matrices and the capability to test is established in several laboratories.
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