Why Choose Us ?

Why Choose Eurofins network of companies in Malaysia For Your Upcoming Analytical Testing & Environmental Monitoring ?
Founded in 1987, Eurofins NML is part of the Eurofins companies with ca. 63,000 staff across a network of more than 1000 independent companies in 60 countries and operating more than 950 laboratories.
Comprehensive Range of Service Offerings
The Eurofins network of companies in Malaysia offer a wide-range of laboratory analytical test and environmental monitoring services based on the core business lines:
- Environmental Analysis & Monitoring
- Industrial Hygiene Monitoring
- Food & Beverages Analysis Test
- Materials Characterization & Failure Analysis
- Consumer & Industrial Products
- Control Hazardous Analysis Test
- Animal Feeds Analysis Test
- Microbiological Examination
- Rubber and Latex Analysis Test
Long Term Experience
With more than 30 years experience in rubber and polymer analytical test and roughly 20 years experience in laboratory analytical test and environmental monitoring, Eurofins NML has been recognized as one of the market leaders in the competitive laboratory analysis services. Our history of strict compliance, especially in the analysis of restricted & banned substances, routine audits by client and regulatory agencies gives us the expertise to meet the global reporting needs of our customers.
Global Network
The Eurofins network of companies in Malaysia has a strong global presence enforced by highly skilled dedicated employees, analytical testing facilities and services laboratory through the world. We employ certified industry leaders and experts consisting of certified industrial hygienists, certified safety professionals, licensed field inspectors, environmental health and safety professionals, laboratory technicians and experience chemist locally and worldwide.
Customers & Markets
We have worked with numerous high-profile clients, including multinational companies in various different markets as well as hundreds of small business companies. Our services are tailored for food & beverage, industrial product, industrial hygiene monitoring and customize services locally and worldwide.
Quality Assurance Management & Recognition
Our commitment to quality in our testing and environmental monitoring services is one of the key distinction that sets us apart from others.
The Eurofins network of companies in Malaysia is certified according to MS ISO/IEC 17025 since year 2000 under Accreditation Scheme of Malaysia (SAMM) by STANDARDS MALAYSIA. We are register with Ministry Of Health Malaysia (MOH) for food testing and Ministry Of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Malaysia (MDTCC) for toy testing. Furthermore, our analytical test, environmental monitoring and laboratory specifications comply with both local and international standard and been recognized by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). We are listed under Consumer Product Safety Commission USA (CPSC) for consumer products safety testing.
Turnaround Time – On Time !
We understand that in today’s fast paced world, companies are under tight deadlines and a great deal of pressure. We provide the fastest turnover available for time-sensitive projects and emergencies to meet all the regulatory and industry standards. We concern on the needs and concerns of our clients and strive to provide them with customizes and alternate solutions to address their specific needs. Delivery of excellent customer service is our main focus on the business and expedite service option is always available for our clients.
Confidentiality, Accuracy & Reliable
Every project or analytical test under Eurofins network of companies in Malaysia is strict confidence, reliability, honesty and value for money. We never compromise the quality of the services in order to take pride on meeting our agreed customers’ turnaround time. Efficient planning, proper training and optimization workflow is the core areas which we always take care. The excellence of this service is overseen by a quality management procedure.
Customer – Focused
We have a history of proven success with an impeccable reputation which we're customer focused. We put the client at the heart of our business and this had led to a high proportion of repeat business from our customers. To meet our customers’ need, we integrate the full services solution throughout the process, offered an experienced, efficient, industrious and professional team to support our customers. We update the practices and technologies to adapt the legislative change all time to provide the best quality services to customers.